How to have a good sensitivity to your metal detector

Due to the many questions about the functions of metal detectors, we decided to make a video series about the most important parts of metal detector control. Let’s start our series by talking about allergies.

Sensitivity in metal detector

Sensitivity is an essential part of a metal detector, where you can get signal gain. However, there are some exceptions to the use of extreme sensitivity.

Maximum sensitivity does not always mean detection at maximum depth. Allergies are related to depth, but they depend on some factors to be able to use them to the maximum.

For example, you should look at where you work to see if there is a lot of magnetic interference.

As the sensitivity of the detector increases, it may begin to emit irregular noise and signals. In this case, you need to slightly lower the sensitivity.

Balance the detector with the ground properly

Moreover, it is important to balance the detector with the ground correctly. If the balance is not correct, even with maximum sensitivity, the detector will not work properly.

It is important to remember that operating the detector indoors, where there are many electrical devices connected, can generate interference due to the magnetic field.

We recommend testing your metal detector outside your home, in a place suitable for work.

If you want to operate your metal detector indoors, you’ll need to significantly reduce sensitivity to avoid excessive noise.

Another important issue related to sensitivity is that sometimes, in certain locations, the metal detector may start emitting strange sounds or signals.

This may occur due to a magnetic field in the atmosphere or due to a nearby object disturbing the metal detector. In these cases, it is recommended to wait a while or reduce sensitivity.

When it comes to the depth of a metal detector, you need to keep in mind that depth is not an accurate measurement.

It depends on the size of the object you want to detect and metal detectors are categorized for the sizes of certain objects.

For example, metal detectors used in onshore gold mining are designed to find very small pieces of metal, such as grains of rice.

Hobby class detectors are able to detect coins, rings and chains that are similar in size to coins. Each metal detector has a specific ability to detect certain sizes of objects.

Therefore, it is important to pay attention when buying metal detectors, especially those that promise great depths.

Check the size of the object that the detector will be able to detect at this depth. Furthermore, it is necessary to understand that small objects are more difficult to detect than large objects.

Large detectors can easily detect large objects, but small objects require greater sensitivity.

Finally, it is essential to remember that sensitivity is one of the controls that must be adjusted last.

Always try to get as much sensitivity as possible, taking into account the characteristics of your detector.

To get a good sensitivity in your metal detector, it is important to follow certain practices and techniques to maximize its effectiveness in detecting metal objects.

Read the guide: Before you begin, take the time to read the manual for your metal detector. This will help you understand the basic settings and how to use them correctly.

Adjust sensitivity: Find the sensitivity setting on your detector. Start with a medium setting and adjust it as needed. Increased sensitivity can lead to the detection of smaller objects, but it may generate more false signals.

Continuous movement: When scanning the area, move the detector slowly and steadily. This gives the detector enough time to recognize metal objects found underground.

File position: Keep the file close to the ground, without touching it. Change the height and angle of the coil to cover the entire area.

Know the terrain: Be aware of the type of soil you are looking for. Some soils can interfere with the sensitivity of the reagent, causing more false signals.

Practice regularly: The more you use the detector, the more you understand how it responds to different circumstances. Practice in different locations to gain experience.

Avoid interference: Avoid areas with a lot of electrical interference, as this may cause erroneous readings or interfere with the operation of the detector.

Ask for help online: There are many online resources, such as video tutorials and discussion forums, that can offer valuable advice for beginners.

The sensitivity of the metal detector may vary by model and brand. Therefore, understanding the specific characteristics of your device is essential to increase its effectiveness in detecting metals.

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