Category: metal detector finds

How to find gold nuggets with a metal detector

most amazing metal detecting finds Review

Finding gold nuggets with a metal detector can be an exciting and rewarding activity, but it requires a combination of knowledge, skills, and the right equipment. Here are some tips to help you increase your chances of finding gold nuggets: Research and Location Conduct research to identify areas with a history of gold discoveries. Geological […]

What gets detected by metal detectors?

What gets detected by metal detectors?

A metal detector is an electronic device designed to detect the presence of metal objects in soil, water or other media, thanks to the properties of electromagnetic energy. These devices are widely used in a variety of applications such as archaeology, treasure hunting, security, mining and detection of metal objects in industrial products. What gets […]

What is the best thing found by a metal detector?

What is the best thing found by a metal detector?

What is the best thing found by a metal detector? Metal detectors have uncovered a wide range of valuable and historically significant items over the years. Determining the “best” find can be subjective, as it depends on individual interests and preferences. However, some notable and extraordinary discoveries made by metal detector enthusiasts include: Staffordshire Hoard: […]

most amazing metal detecting finds Review

most amazing metal detecting finds Review

This kind of thing doesn’t happen to everyone. There are people who spend years researching, investing a lot of money in research, and even then, nothing happens… This was not the case with Englishman Phil Kirk, who found a tomb full of relics from the time of the Roman Empire while playing with a metal […]

Top 5 GREATEST Metal Detecting FINDS Review

Top 5 GREATEST Metal Detecting FINDS Review

  You must have seen that picture of a man carrying a metal detector and walking along the beach trying to find some hidden treasure. Does it sound like a silly hobby? Pay attention that many people (including archaeologists, investigators or just ordinary people) have already discovered many valuables that have been forgotten or buried […]

Most Historic Metal Detecting Finds Review

Most Historic Metal Detecting Finds Review

Find out what to do if you find an artifact and know which metal detectors are perfect for each case, The larger the metal detection area, the deeper the detector will be able to reach it. The metal detector you use today has a history. Metal detecting has led to numerous historic and significant discoveries, […]

Can you really make money with a metal detector?

Can you really make money with a metal detector

Buried treasures often have more sentimental or historical value than monetary value. Hobbyists, as they like to be called, have found treasures of gold and silver, Civil War relics and other valuables hidden underground for years. Your finds may have sentimental value – they are little pieces of history – or actual monetary value, in […]