What gets detected by metal detectors?

A metal detector is an electronic device designed to detect the presence of metal objects in soil, water or other media, thanks to the properties of electromagnetic energy.

These devices are widely used in a variety of applications such as archaeology, treasure hunting, security, mining and detection of metal objects in industrial products.

What gets detected by metal detectors?

Metal detectors are designed to detect and respond to the presence of metal objects. They work by generating an electromagnetic field and then detecting any disruptions or changes in that field caused by the presence of metal. The most common metals that are easily detectable by metal detectors include:

Ferrous Metals: These are metals that contain iron. Examples include iron, steel, and certain alloys. Ferrous metals are usually highly detectable by metal detectors.

Non-ferrous Metals: These metals do not contain iron and are also detectable by metal detectors, although to a lesser extent compared to ferrous metals. Examples include aluminum, copper, brass, and lead.

Alloys: Many metal detectors are sensitive to various metal alloys, such as bronze or stainless steel. The detection capability may vary depending on the specific composition of the alloy.

It’s important to note that not all metals are easily detected by metal detectors. For example, non-metallic objects like plastics, wood, and most organic materials generally do not trigger metal detectors. Additionally, the sensitivity of a metal detector can be adjusted to focus on specific types or sizes of metal objects, depending on the intended use of the detector (e.g., security screening, archaeological purposes, or hobbyist metal detecting).

These devices are widely used in a variety of applications such as archaeology, treasure hunting, security, mining, and metal object detection in industrial products.

A metal detector consists of a main unit containing electronic components and a probe or coil used to emit and receive electromagnetic signals. When the detector is triggered, the coil emits an electromagnetic field, and if there is a metal object nearby, the field is affected and a detectable response is produced.

Metal detection is based on differences in magnetic conductivity and material permeability. Metal objects, such as coins, jewelry, or metal pieces, tend to be more conductive and magnetic than non-metallic materials, such as soil or metals.