metal detector beach finds

How deep can a metal detector for gold prospecting reach? Modern prospecting detectors can detect gold as small as half a grain. The finds found on the beach can be divided into several parts. Let’s calculate the time we spend at the beach using a metal detector.

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Is it possible to search with a metal detector on beaches?
What can you find with a metal detector at the beach?
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So, a metal detector was chosen, and a scoop was taken as a tool for digging the find, if it is not there, it is better to use a small mining shovel. What to do next? It is necessary to determine the location of the target. To do this you have to start moving along the beach. It is better to walk like a snake – from one end to the other. In this case, you have to go through the entire beach lengthwise and widthwise using a metal detector.

Why search the beach so carefully? Because the concentration of truly valuable discoveries is small, and the number of people who want to discover them is growing every day. Therefore, the beach needs a thorough examination, otherwise there is a high probability that the “treasure hunter” will not find anything at all.

What metal detector signals should you respond to and start digging? It is best to look for finds that the metal detector indicates as “non-ferrous” metals or even metal chips. Why? Yes, because small products made of precious metals, precisely because of their size, “look” like chips.

What do you do with deep enough signals? When searching on the beach, the following situation often arises: a hole about 50 cm long has been dug, but the desired item is still missing. At the same time, the signal continues to emit from the metal detector. People with extensive search experience do not recommend digging further in such cases. It is interpreted this way:

A ring or coin simply cannot “sound” deeply, so the object is made of “non-ferrous” metal and has large dimensions. Usually, objects that fit these characteristics are not taken to the beach, so where does the signal come from? Most often, the signal is “given” by a beer can filled with sand, buried by someone at just that depth.

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