Learn all about metal detectors and accessories

Metal detector to search for objects buried by man or buried (treasure chests)

These metal detectors have greater depth ranges for large metals compared to other detectors referred to in clause 2. In general, this category of metal detectors has difficulty detecting the presence of small metal objects, such as a very small solid mass of gold or even a small coin. In general, their files are large or in the form of two boxes.

Recommended detectors for treasure hunts (buried or buried) are: DEEPMAX. These detectors can reach depths ranging from 30 cm to 8 meters or more, depending only on the size of the buried object.

The larger the metal detection area, the deeper the detector can reach it.

Remember that the deeper the detector detects metal, the more expensive it will be in your pocket. Detectors search for buried treasures and are also called stored or buried treasures and are also widely used to search for cables, pipes, manhole covers, antiquities, etc.

Metal detector to search for objects lost by man (shallow treasures or hobby)

These metal detectors do not have the power to detect metals at great depths. In general, the maximum depth of these detectors ranges from 50 cm to 150 cm. depending only on the size of the buried object.

These metal detectors are called a hobby, because they look for objects that have been dropped, if they are dropped, they are shallow. Also, this class of detectors does not detect small metals like metal detectors in nature.

This category is used to search for coins, jewelry, watches, firearms, knives, antiquities, etc., on beaches, fields, historical places, crime scenes, and at a reasonable depth that is easy to excavate. It is divided into VLF, BBS, FBS, VFLEX, Pulse Induction and PI detectors.

Recommended detectors for this class are: GTI 2500, DEEPMAX Z1, BUG, GOLD BUG PRO, AT PRO, F19 LTD, LONE STAR PRO, QUICK DRAW PRO, LAND RANGER PRO, SAFARI, EUROTEK, EUROTEK PRO, etc. This category contains the largest number of detector models. If you are looking for a detector for beach research, you should look for detectors in the category of hobbies.

Metal detector for searching for metal objects produced by nature (ore, meteorite, metal particles, gold ore)

Ground tracking detectors for small metal particles are very easy to find, due to their high sensitivity and transmitting and receiving frequency. Recommended for mineralization, meteorite hunting, gold mining for nuggets, gold veins and gold veins.

The maximum detection depth ranges from 50 cm to 150 cm, depending only on the size of the buried object. It is divided into VLF, VFLEX and Pulse Induction detectors (PI, MPS, DVT, SETA, TDI and GBS). THE RECOMMENDED DETECTORS FOR THIS CLASS ARE: SD2200D, SD2200V2, INFINIUM LS, GPX- 4000, GPX 4500, GOLD BUG- 2, SCORPION GOLD STINGER, GOLDMASTER GMT, GOLD MASTER GMZ, F70, F75, GP EXTREME, GP 3000, GP 3500, PULSESCAN TDI PRO, PULSESCAN TDI SL, DEEPMAX X6, DEEPMAX Z1, GPX 4800, GPX 5000, EUREKA GOLD, XT 18000, F19, AT GOLD, ATX EXTREME, ETC.

Reagents in this category are detectors that detect the smallest metal particles and are also the best in soil balance, and can be used in any type of dry, saline or alkaline soil, red or black earth, clay or sand. VLF detectors are detectors that detect the smallest nuggets. Pulse detectors are already more stable in mineral soils and detect larger nuggets deeper.

The smaller and deeper this category can reach, the more expensive your pocket will be.

Metal detectors for areas requiring the safety of people in the building

Metal detectors for areas requiring the safety of people in the building

Security detectors are divided into:

Personal inspection detectors – check whether the object being inspected contains any kind of hidden and camouflaged metal between clothing. These detectors are also used to search for objects that can fall into a person’s body during surgery and to look for metals used in the manufacture of fabrics, clothing, leather and others.

IT IS DIVIDED INTO TWO FORMS, BATON (SWORD) AND RACKET. This type of detector is portable, making it easy to transport anywhere. They are generally used in airports, prisons, forums, performances, schools, sporting events and other places where people flow and that require maximum safety.

These devices are also considered auxiliary detectors for fixed or portable bridges. The detectors referred to for this class are: SUPERSCANNER V, SUPERWAND, THD, PRO-POINTER, PRO-POINTER AT, PRO-FINDER, TRX, CW-10, CW-20. These detectors sound an audible and visual alarm through light and/or vibrate.

Giant detectors – are gate-shaped detectors to accommodate a larger number of people flocking in a given area that requires maximum security for people and valuables stored there.

These types of detectors scan an individual’s entire body without having to feel the entire body of each person entering the room. The best giant metal detectors have signals using lights, indicating the exact location of the detected object, the intensity of the metal mass on the body, the number of people who entered and exited the building, the system that fires: photography, taking pictures, door lock (not allowing entry to the building – turnstile door), alarm ratio and many other features.

High security gantry detectors are used in airports, prisons, government agencies, stock exchanges, pawnshops, sporting events, mechanical parts industry, computer parts, etc. These detectors are divided into stationary and portable reagents. RECOMMENDED DETECTORS FOR THIS CLASS ARE: MAGASCANNER MT 5500, MS 3500, CS 5000, PD 6500i, M-SCOPE PORTABLE, etc.

Ground tracking detectors to search for hidden objects from the crime scene.

These detectors are used in forensics, forensic investigation, mine hunting and other uses. Recommended detectors are: CSI 250, CSI PRO, SEA HUNTER MARK II, GTI 2500 with Treasure Coil, CTX 3030.

Approach of large metal detectors

These detectors are installed in cars in order to detect the approach of another car. There are also long-distance detectors such as radars and sonar. They are detectors suitable for detecting aircraft, ships and others.

Pipe metal detectors

These detectors are recommended for research in metallic and even non-metallic pipes using the principles of inductive tracing, conductive tracing or inductive tracing and location. They can also be used to detect sockets and manhole covers camouflaged on asphalt. Recommended detectors are: GEMINI-3, TM 808, TW-6, TW-82, TW-8800, etc.

Water metal detectors

Such detectors can immerse themselves in rivers and seas up to a pressure of up to 65 meters. Recommended for searching for underwater pipelines, shipwrecks, shipwreck treasures, valuables lost by swimmers, raw materials in rivers and seas, gold nuggets.

RECOMMENDED DETECTORS ARE: INFINIUM LS, SEA HUNTER MARK II AND EXCALIBUR II. In this category there are ground tracking detectors that can be submerged up to 3 meters under pressure. They are not diving detectors, but they can completely enter the water up to the pressure limit set by the manufacturer. In this category we have detectors AT PRO, AT GOLD, ATX EXTREME, SDC2300.

What should you know when buying a detector?

Ground tracking metal detectors are specially designed to adapt to the type of use. For example, gold (ore) detectors are designed to be highly sensitive to small gold pieces, due to their high sensitivity and frequency. Treasure search detectors have the ability to distinguish between different types of metal objects, but they do not detect such small objects and fragments as detectors for mineralization areas.

It is important to understand that each metal detector model has specific features, display levels and applications. When preparing to buy a new metal detector, you should know exactly what you want to look for for a sales representative, thus avoiding hassle for both parties, as well as losses in your pocket. Once the detector is selected, there is no turning back.

Do not buy inexpensive detectors if you are looking for something more than 50 cm deep.

Be very careful also with some great ads on some websites that claim to detect objects with long range and large depths. Several remote detectors have already been tested and none have been found yet to prove the truth.

I have worked for many years with the best metal detector manufacturers in the world, and they have never manufactured any remote detectors. I’m only working with something that can be proved.

How deep are the detectors? Example: What is the exposed drag depth of an ACE 250 detector?

This is undoubtedly the most common question in my emails, but unfortunately it is the most difficult to answer.

To ascertain the depth of an object of a certain size, you have to perform the test by burying it. You can’t keep burying every type and shape of metal in order to know the exact depth of a particular customer, otherwise I will spend years and years burying things to see their true depth.

The depth strength of a metal detector to reach a buried metal object depends on several factors:

The level of mineralization present in the soil. The mineral earth contains in its composition laterite, hematite or red clay (iron oxide), and this composition is difficult for a metal detector to cancel.

When canceling premium detectors, the depth of detection is reduced. For example, in neutral ground, the detector can reach the buried metal, for example 30 cm. But in mineralized soils, the same object will not be detected at a depth of 30 cm, but at a depth of 18 cm in the soil for the simplest detectors.

However, the most sophisticated and expensive detectors are detected at a distance of more or less than 25 cm. Therefore, the depth may also vary depending on the detector used.

The size, shape and type of mineral material and the direction of the buried metal. Larger metals are detected at greater depths by detectors. For example, a flat coin reveals a surface area larger than a coin or other metal object located next to it. Thus the false currency will be detected at a greater depth. But it all depends on the shape of the wave, and on how it is emitted from the coil. Therefore, this situation can be reversed.

Size of search disk used. Search files come in shapes and sizes. For example, 6 inches, 8 inches, and 18 inches rounded, or 3×7 inches, 5×10 inches, 7×14 inches, 10×14 inches, 12×14 inches, 12×17 inches, and 12×18 inches are oval.

Configure the rolls within the file. For example: there are standard, concentric, Dubla D, Monoloop (with one file), Dual Field which is a single file with two files. The wire used to wrap the coils.

If you intend to search for small things, the best option is a small file. If you’re looking for big things, the ideal is to have large files.

Conclusion: The larger the coil, the deeper the detector will reach the larger metals. The smaller the coil, the greater the chance that the detector will reach deeper and smaller objects. I consider it a small object, a solid mass of gold weighing one gram, detectable from 10 cm to 25 cm deep, depending only on the power of the detector and the size of the coil.

Things the size of a coin, I consider them medium-sized things. This is intended for hobby and mining detectors. While detectors or buried traces, the soda can is small in size. I consider the 1m2 metal a big thing.

Single or single coil

It is made from one winding of wire. It is through this individual coil that the transmitting and receiving frequency passes. It takes fractions of a second to send and receive signals from the ground. The shape of the magnetic field of this coil is conical.

Their magnetic field narrows until it becomes sharp. Therefore, it is recommended to work with this coil slowly and overlap half of the already passed part on the ground so as not to lose small deep objects. The single coil is very sensitive and therefore affected by highly mineralized soils which can sometimes make recalibration on the ground more difficult or even impossible. This file is not good at distinguishing things. However, they tend to provide a slightly greater depth than the DD file. This coil is recommended for temperate soils.

Double file D or DD

It is made of two rolls of wire next to each other with a certain connection point between them. They are the most preferred coils for all ground situations. They provide better transmission and reception, as the process takes place in different coils, making the signal received from the ground better.

Its ground sweep is larger and more uniform. Its depth is slightly smaller than that of a single coil. It better identifies targets, provides greater stability on the ground and eliminates interference from other magnetic fields (other detectors, electrical grid, charged atmosphere). This coil is recommended for highly mineralized soils.

The concentric coil

It is made up of two or three rolls of wire one inside the other. The outer winding is the transmitter and the inner winding is the receiver. The shape of the magnetic field of a concentric coil is similar to a single coil.

These files are excellent recognizators for objects and can reach very high sensitivities and in greater depth. However, they are noisy in highly mineralized soils. Its search pattern is conical in shape and can be useful for precisely identifying the target.

Therefore, it is recommended to work with this coil slowly and overlap half of the already passed part on the ground so as not to lose small deep objects. This coil is recommended for temperate soils and places with a lot of mineral waste.

double single coil

They are made of two wire coils similar to a concentric coil. But the transmission and reception of the signal is carried out by a single coil (the two coils come together to form a single coil) that passes the transmit and receive frequency.

It takes fractions of a second to send and receive signals from the ground. The shape of the magnetic field of this coil is conical. Their magnetic field narrows until it becomes sharp. Therefore, it is recommended to work with this coil slowly and overlap half of the already passed part on the ground so as not to lose small deep objects.

A single double coil is much more sensitive than a single coil. They are also affected by highly mineralized soils which can make soil recalibration difficult or sometimes even impossible. This coil is better at distinguishing objects than the monofil. However, they tend to provide a slightly greater depth than the DD file. This coil is recommended for temperate soils.

The figures above are some of the most commonly used file models in detectors. They can be completely enclosed and useful for field and dry places.

On the left, there are round, elliptical, or elliptical coils with an open or hollow structure. Useful for use in wet places, free of stumps or sharp stones that can trap rolls. These files are lighter than closed files. Most of these coils are waterproof. These are files for use on beaches and rivers.

Remember: small files are useful for those looking for small things like earrings or gold nuggets. Large files are for deeper detection when searching for objects larger than a real coin. The larger the buried metal, the more probable the detector is to be discovered.

What is the operating frequency?

The frequency of a metal detector is indicated in kilohertz or pulse, that is, the number of times the signal is sent and received by the detector per second.

Low-frequency ground tracking metal detectors will penetrate deeper, but their sensitivity to smaller objects will be affected or ignored. On the other hand, the high-frequency detector will increase your sensitivity to small objects, but it will not penetrate deep into the low-frequency detector. High-frequency detectors suffer more than low-frequency detectors in moist, saline soils. That is why most hobby detectors have medium (medium) frequencies.

In general, gold detectors and mining operate at very high frequencies to facilitate the search for fragments or small nuggets of gold. Detectors to search for coins, lost relics and hidden treasures, operating at low frequency, penetrating deep into the earth, detecting deeper and larger metals than high-frequency metals.

At present we cannot take this rule for granted. Technology is increasingly breaking down barriers that were not possible before. Therefore, there are high- or low-frequency detectors that work very well in situations that were not possible before, but due to the high technology included in them, these detectors are still expensive today. In cases where frequency works very well, technology comes in offering more power to penetrate the ground, looking for what was not previously possible.

To continue talking about detector frequencies, let’s describe a little about the history of a metal detector.

The first metal detector was discovered by a radio engineer in the United States in 1925. It is believed to have been discovered by chance when a metal tank filled with water interfered with his field experiments.

From 1927 until World War II, metal detectors contained only basic transceiver (TR) signals. The detector was transported with shoulder straps, due to the sheer weight of the batteries and valves. These first TR detectors had difficulties working in highly mineralized soils. Their ability to distinguish was limited to different minerals. In addition to being heavy and cumbersome, the first detectors were only able to detect objects the size of a tennis or baseball shoe or larger.

During World War II, metal detectors were used to locate shallow landmines. After the war ended, most of the machines, which were mostly in the possession of the U.S. government, were purchased by American treasure hunters and prospectors.

It did not go very far, until the development and introduction of ultra-low frequency detectors (low transmitter and receive frequency: band 1 – 100 kHz). Growth in the industry has since begun.

Since the introduction of VLF metal detectors, Fisher, Garret, Whites and Minelab, pioneers of detector technology, have played an important role in this progress, pioneering many unique electronic applications. The most prominent features of these applications are:

Automatic Ground Tracking: Reduces the noise generated by metals in the ground through the use of microprocessors, which continuously determine the best level of work in the highly mineralized ground. Previously, all automatic ground balancing metal detectors were superior to manual ground balancing detectors in metal terrain. However, manual ground balancing detectors, also called manual ground balancing or ground recalibration, outperform them in terms of sensitivity and depth.

Later, many technologies appeared to improve detectors, and Minelab was the manufacturer that invested the most in technology in the sector.

MPS Technology: The pulse detector series demineralizes very well and thus provides free ground interference with noticeable ground penetration gains. Multiple pulses per second.

VLF Technology – Continuous Sine Wave (Very Low Frequency)

This is the traditional type of technology used in base metal detectors. These detector models are also known as VLF (Very Low Frequency). In principle, there are two types of files for this technology, which are also common in many other techniques. Concentric file and double D or DD.

The search coil emits the signal through the Tx power coil (TRANSMITTER). It receives the signal through the internal coil RX (RECEPTOR). Therefore, the file is formed through the send file and the receive file. However, we have files that are sent and received through the same file, called MONOLOOP files. Files with two files are called Double D and Concentric. We already have three-winding concentric coils on the market.

The files are made in round, oval and rectangular shapes, open or closed.

• Transmission coil Tx – is the arc of the external coil in which the wire coil is located. Electricity is sent through this wire, first in one direction and then in another, thousands of times per second. the number of times the direction of the current changes every second determines the frequency of the unit;

• Rx receiver coil – This inner arc contains another wire coil, which acts as an antenna to capture and amplify frequencies coming from target objects on Earth.

Previously, the files were very simple. However, today, due to technological advances, we have Super Coils that enhance the penetration force of the earth as well as help neutralize mineralization, whether it is raw, salt water or alkaline ground.

BBS (Broadband) technology: Microprocessors that control metal detector frequencies by simultaneous transmission of more than 17 separate frequency bands at the same time between 1.5 kHz and 25.5 kHz are used.

GBS technology: In addition to ignoring some small metals close to the surface, it has great penetration capacity to search for the most hidden treasures from humans.

V/Flex technology – Used in digital detectors, whose electronic components mix signals in order to increase the individual frequency of standard technology. The advantages of V/flex technology provide safe performance and significantly improve immunity to external factors. V/Flex technology also allows the detector to operate at different coil frequencies.

API: Advanced pulse induction system that can get rid of some minerals such as iron stone, and also works excellently in mineral soil and/or salt water.

TDI: Used in pulse detectors. This technology now allows pulse detectors to distinguish and even remove certain objects . Pulse detectors are great for working in highly mineralized soils as well as saline soils. Pulse induction transmission discrimination.

A paradigm shift in golden performance with the advancement of new technologies by Bruce Candy.

ZVT technology outperforms previous techniques for all serious prospectors, providing significantly improved depth. It will no longer be necessary to use multiple detectors for VLF transmission, which are struggling in mineral soil, or square wave detectors for PI transmission, which can be insensitive to various sizes and combinations of gold.

“This revolutionary new ZVT technology far outperforms GPX detectors in deep detection of large gold nuggets and finding them at any depth. The GPZ 7000 will open the gold fields again.” Bruce Candy, inventor of GPZ.

ZVT (Zero Voltage Transmission) creates a high polar force of ultra-stable opposing magnetic fields, increasing sensitivity to gold. This innovative technology detects gold nuggets at extreme depths.

Super-D Coil – The Super-D coil consists of a central transmitter coil and two external receiver winders. This configuration significantly reduces interference from the magnetic earth, reducing ground noise.

Advantages of frequency detectors for unicast and receive

They are more sensitive to metals in the most common environments, less mineralized in soil – More accurate identification of objects – More energy efficient, long battery life – Less susceptible to interference from outside noise – More suitable technology for detecting the widest ranges of objects that are above areas of agreement The amount of mineralized soil should be less than normal soil – Most hobby, hobby and leisure detectors use a single transmitter and receive frequency.

Disadvantages of frequency detectors for unicast and receiving

It loses detection depth and identifier and distinctive becomes irregular in saltwater environments and on highly mineralized lands.

Advantages of multiple frequency detectors

They provide excellent results on highly mineralized soils and in saltwater environments due to the ability to ignore minerals due to the pulse properties they possess.

Disadvantages of multiple frequency detectors

They are not good at identification and discrimination, especially in iron ore areas – so far they cannot decipher the depth or size of the buried object – they are less sensitive to mono frequencies – they consume more energy, which many models require the use of large batteries – they are more susceptible to interference from external noise.

What difference does file size make?

The size of the search file is very important. Each file size is specially adapted for specific objects such as gold, coins, antiquities, or underwater objects. If you need to purchase a file to improve your equipment, pay attention to the following:

In the material and size of the object to be found

At the depth where you want to find the buried metal

The degree of mineralization of the land in which you will work

The small coil is more sensitive and is therefore able to detect metal fragments. However, it will not be very effective on larger objects at great depths. The large coil will achieve much greater detection depth for large metals, but will omit small objects close to the Earth’s surface. MONO is more sensitive than a double DD file, but it suffers in mineral soils. The DD coil is more stable in mineral soils, but detects slightly less surface than the mono coil. A concentric coil is similar to a single coil with a single point to highlight, which is excellent for differentiation and classification. See more about 4.4 coils.

What is the distinction between an identifier and a workbook?

Discrimination – is the ability of the detector to distinguish and recognize by voice or by the control panel whether the exposed metal is ferrous or non-ferrous, as well as remove some unwanted small metals.

Classifier – is the electronic ability of the detector to classify different types of buried metals in a digital graph or through images already installed on the control panel. These rated detectors are generally the most expensive on the market, due to the high technology embedded in them. The more faithful the classifier, the more expensive the detector. Cheap detectors with a classifier are not 100% reliable, as they are easily affected by on-site interference that affects the rating (electrical grid and other magnetic fields, mineralization).

Ground balance – ground balance (detector modifications to the ground)

Ground balancing – this is the adjustment that the operator must make to the detector so that when the coil is slowly raised and lowered to the ground, it does not give the impression that it detects the ground. This is why this mode is called swing because it is necessary to swing the coil from top to bottom to perform ground adjustment, so that the detector does not make any sound either when raising or lowering the coil to the ground.

In the past, all detectors were manual ground balancing (ground balance), meaning operators had to reset the detectors on the ground every time a positive or negative mineralization change occurred. With the advancement of technology, digital controllers and DSP processors, today we have automatic ground balance detectors on the market that automatically adjust coil tracking on the ground without having to require the operator to change the controls at each floor change.

An interesting point that we must note is that all detectors today must have manual ground balancing and automatic ground balancing, because there will be cases where one performs better than the other. Fisher is the only company that has always used automatic and manual ground tracking in its detectors.

Search the file horizontally always on the ground. Do not raise the sides of the file when searching.


1- The search in the file should always be done at a fixed height from the ground from 5 to 10 cm to search for small metals, coins and gold nuggets and from 30 to 60 cm to search for larger metals or the jar filled with gold or coins and buried treasures.

2- When drilling, do not insert the coil into the hole. The ideal solution is to pass the coil over the hole at the same height it was when the hole was not there. If the sound drops or stops, it is because what was detected was a concentration of the ore. If the voice remains the same or increases, it is because there is a treasure that must be removed.

3 – If the condition of the soil is unbearable with single, double or concentrated coils, it is best to buy a Double D coil, also called DD. These DD coils, in addition to providing greater stability on the ground, improve the distinction between ferrous and non-ferrous objects, and significantly reduce external interference.

The depth has decreased slightly. But it is better to have a detector that is stable in all conditions and captures gold than to have a detector that is very sensitive and finds nothing but noise, leaving gold behind unnoticed.

4- There’s no point in having great equipment if you don’t know how to run it 100%. Therefore the most important thing is to master the detector in all aspects. Read the manual very carefully and take tests. Someone who is well experienced with a simpler detector can pick up more gold than someone who has an excellent detector, but doesn’t know how to handle it properly.

Tip: When detecting the metal, mark the metal with the moving coil and pay attention to the sound. If you are going to dig, dig a certain amount and pass the coil at the same height as if the hole were closed, that is, do not stick the coil into the hole, because if there is interference it will continue to dig and will not do so. Find anything. But if you act correctly, you will find that the sound will decrease or even disappear, if there is interference. See the figure above in motion.

The experience and skill of the researcher.

There is no substitute for experience. Knowing how to operate your device efficiently and understanding its signals will surely add depth to the search for buried objects. Many professionals pay close attention to the sounds emitted by each metal. For example, iron repeats sound, ironstone produces a prolonged sound.

In some ground interference, the emitted sound is weak in the external passage of the coil, and in the backpass of the coil through the body (interference) it does not make sound. The sound of the gold block is equal and clipped, both on the way and on the way back to the file. Some metals produce low-pitched sounds, others produce high-pitched sounds.

Can I get more help to improve my performance or answer questions?

If you want more instructions or information about your metal detector, contact your nearest sales representative. It is able to guide you through the principles of your process, as well as provide techniques that will add more knowledge to your research.

History of metal detector

The metal detector you use today has a surprisingly long history. In fact, the story of the metal detector is very interesting, and it is even about a former president!

The first metal detector appears

In the mid-nineteenth century, after the invention of electricity, many scientists, scholars and prospectors began experimenting with the idea of developing a machine that could locate minerals buried underground. A device like this would be incredibly useful for many prospectors still looking for gold after the “Gold Rush”, and as a result, it could make the first person to master a metal detector very rich.

However, the first metal detector mentioned in history, has nothing to do with actually finding gold. Instead, it was used to try to save President James Garfield after he was shot in Washington, D.C. on July 2, 1881, at the Baltimore and Potomac train station by Charles J. Ghetto. The president had been shot in the back, but fortunately the wound did not kill him. Unfortunately, doctors were unable to locate the bullet and Garfield continued to suffer.

One of his visitors during this time, Alexander Graham Bell, built a metal detector specifically to try to help find this bullet, but his attempts unfortunately failed. It turned out that the metal springs in President Garfield’s bed confused the machine and made it essentially useless. President Garfield finally died of his wounds on September 19, 1881.

Improved original metal detector design

Although the first metal detector did not help save the twentieth president of the United States, Alexander Graham Bell’s machine was a viable metal detector and became the prototype on which all other metal detectors were based at the time.

At first, these machines were very large and complex, powered by vacuum tubes. But she was useful and continued to increase her popularity as a result. More importantly, these early metal detectors were used to find and clear landmines and unexploded bombs across Europe after World War I and World War II.

Around the same time, Gerhard Fischer, founder of Fisher Metal Detectors, made an important discovery in his work on navigation systems. The radios he used were distorted every time there was ore containing a rock in the area.

While trying to discover the system’s glitches, he said this kind of technology on a smaller scale could be useful as a metal detector. In 1925, Fisher patented the first portable metal detector, and sold his first Fisher to the public in 1931.

The fifties and even metal detectors today

Although Fisher received his first patent for a metal detector, he is just one of many who have improved and improved the technology currently used in his metal detector. Another key player in the development of metal detectors today is Charles Jarrett, founder of Garrett Metal Detectors.

Garrett, an electrical engineer, began metal detection as a hobby in the early sixties, and after trying a variety of machines on the market, he couldn’t find one capable of doing whatever he wanted. So he started working on his metal detector.

After much research, he was able to create a machine that eliminated oscillator wobble, as well as several unique patented research files that revolutionized metal detector design up to that point.

Other factors that have greatly influenced the development of metal detectors as we know them today include transistors – invented by John Bardeen, Walter Bratten and William Shockley in 1947 – as well as discrimination tools, new search file designs and wireless technology. All of these things and more have allowed the metal detector to become one of the lightweight, portable, and easy-to-use deep search machines we know today.

With the number of players involved both professionally and amateurly, as well as the rapid pace of technological progress as a whole, the future of metal detectors is anyone’s guess. But what can be almost guaranteed is that metal detectors will continue to evolve and change in order to find more treasures.

Treasure hunters don’t give up, and as you can see from the history of metal detectors to date, it is these creative and enthusiastic people who have made metal detectors the machines they are today; and who will continue to influence the future of metal detection.

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